How to Navigate Art Institutions 

How to Navigate Art Institutions is a project and publication by curatorial initiative close-enough, the final degree project by Yul Cho and Ifra Shariq, as part of the International Master’s Program in Curating, including Art, Management, and Law at Stockholm University.

We collaborated to curate a series of workshops for our curatorial degree project. This collaboration birthed close-enough, a curatorial initiative driven by our shared experiences, concerns, and reflections on the Swedish art scene. Through candid conversations, we recognized the need to bridge the gap between art institutions and underrepresented communities, fostering engagement and inclusivity for all. The name close-enough playfully alludes to the distance art institutions sometimes maintain from their audiences, hinting at an invisible line that people are afraid to cross for fear of getting too close to or touching the art.

Our collective experiences under this initiative culminated in the publication titled How to Navigate Art Institutions, which is the outcome of a highly process-based exploration grounded in our interactions with diverse individuals and groups. Through How to Navigate Art Institutions, we delve into the dynamics of exclusion present in Swedish art institutions and strive to identify barriers both within and around them. Each chapter contributes to a cumulative summary of the insights and discoveries as we conducted research, held discussions, and experimented with different methods to overcome these challenges.

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Cover design by Muniza Shariq

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