
Ifra Shariq and Yul Cho collaborated on the final degree curatorial project as part of the International Master’s Program in Curating, including Art, Management, and Law at Stockholm University.

This collaboration gave rise to the curatorial initiative close-enough, which was inspired by our shared experiences, frustrations, concerns, and reflections on the Swedish art world. Through candid conversations, we recognized the need for an initiative that would bridge the gap between art institutions and underrepresented communities, making art more accessible and engaging.

Our name, close-enough, is a playful reference to how art institutions can sometimes maintain a distance from their audiences. The name alludes to the notion of an invisible line that people are hesitant to cross, in fear of being too close or touching the art. close-enough can also imply a superficial effort by art institutions to fulfill certain obligations without truly engaging with the audience.

We believe that art should be inclusive, not exclusive, and we are committed to dismantling the barriers that prevent underrepresented communities from accessing and participating in the art world.

Instagram : @closeenough_official

Ifra Shariq
(b.1996, India)
Based in Stockholm 

Yul Cho
(b.1997, South Korea)
Based in Stockholm

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